Parameter classes
- class golem.core.optimisers.optimizer.AlgorithmParameters(multi_objective: bool = False, offspring_rate: float = 0.5, pop_size: int = 20, max_pop_size: Optional[int] = 55, adaptive_depth: bool = False, adaptive_depth_max_stagnation: int = 3, structural_diversity_frequency_check: int = 5)[source]
Base class for definition of optimizers-specific parameters. Can be extended for custom optimizers.
- Parameters
multi_objective – defines if the optimizer must be multi-criterial
offspring_rate – offspring rate used on next population
pop_size – initial population size
max_pop_size – maximum population size; optional, if unspecified, then population size is unbound
adaptive_depth – flag to enable adaptive configuration of graph depth
adaptive_depth_max_stagnation – max number of stagnating populations before adaptive depth increment
- multi_objective: bool = False
- offspring_rate: float = 0.5
- pop_size: int = 20
- max_pop_size: Optional[int] = 55
- adaptive_depth: bool = False
- adaptive_depth_max_stagnation: int = 3
- structural_diversity_frequency_check: int = 5
- seed = None
- class golem.core.optimisers.genetic.gp_params.GPAlgorithmParameters(multi_objective: bool = False, offspring_rate: float = 0.5, pop_size: int = 20, max_pop_size: Optional[int] = 55, adaptive_depth: bool = False, adaptive_depth_max_stagnation: int = 3, structural_diversity_frequency_check: int = 5, crossover_prob: float = 0.8, mutation_prob: float = 0.8, variable_mutation_num: bool = True, max_num_of_operator_attempts: int = 100, mutation_strength: golem.core.optimisers.genetic.operators.base_mutations.MutationStrengthEnum = MutationStrengthEnum.mean, min_pop_size_with_elitism: int = 5, required_valid_ratio: float = 0.9, adaptive_mutation_type: golem.core.optimisers.adaptive.operator_agent.MutationAgentTypeEnum = MutationAgentTypeEnum.default, context_agent_type: Union[golem.core.optimisers.adaptive.context_agents.ContextAgentTypeEnum, Callable] = ContextAgentTypeEnum.nodes_num, selection_types: Optional[Sequence[Union[golem.core.optimisers.genetic.operators.selection.SelectionTypesEnum, Any]]] = None, crossover_types: Sequence[Union[golem.core.optimisers.genetic.operators.crossover.CrossoverTypesEnum, Any]] = (<CrossoverTypesEnum.one_point: 'one_point'>, ), mutation_types: Sequence[Union[golem.core.optimisers.genetic.operators.base_mutations.MutationTypesEnum, Any]] = (<MutationTypesEnum.tree_growth: 'tree_growth'>, <MutationTypesEnum.single_add: 'single_add'>, <MutationTypesEnum.single_change: 'single_change'>, <MutationTypesEnum.single_drop: 'single_drop'>, <MutationTypesEnum.single_edge: 'single_edge'>), elitism_type: golem.core.optimisers.genetic.operators.elitism.ElitismTypesEnum = ElitismTypesEnum.keep_n_best, regularization_type: golem.core.optimisers.genetic.operators.regularization.RegularizationTypesEnum = RegularizationTypesEnum.none, genetic_scheme_type: golem.core.optimisers.genetic.operators.inheritance.GeneticSchemeTypesEnum = GeneticSchemeTypesEnum.generational, decaying_factor: float = 1.0, window_size: Optional[int] = None)[source]
Defines parameters of evolutionary operators and the algorithm of genetic optimizer.
- Parameters
crossover_prob – crossover probability (chance that two individuals will be mated).
mutation_prob – mutation probability (chance that an individual will be mutated).
variable_mutation_num – flag to apply mutation one or few times for individual in each iteration.
max_num_of_operator_attempts – max number of unsuccessful evo operator attempts before continuing.
mutation_strength – strength of mutation in tree (using in certain mutation types)
min_pop_size_with_elitism – minimal population size with which elitism is applicable
required_valid_ratio – ratio of valid individuals on next population to continue optimization.
Used in ReproductionController to compensate for invalid individuals. See the class for details.
- Parameters
adaptive_mutation_type – Experimental feature! Enables adaptive Mutation agent.
context_agent_type – Experimental feature! Enables graph encoding for Mutation agent.
Adaptive mutation agent uses specified algorithm. ‘random’ type is the default non-adaptive version. Requires crossover_types to be CrossoverTypesEnum.none for correct adaptive learning, so that fitness changes depend only on agent’s actions (chosen mutations).
uses Multi-Armed Bandit (MAB) learning algorithm.MutationAgentTypeEnum.contextual_bandit
uses contextual MAB learning algorithm.MutationAgentTypeEnum.neural_bandit
uses contextual MAB learning algorithm with Deep Neural encoding.Parameter context_agent_type specifies implementation of graph/node encoder for adaptive mutation agent. It is relevant for contextual and neural bandits.
- Parameters
selection_types – Sequence of selection operators types
crossover_types – Sequence of crossover operators types
mutation_types – Sequence of mutation operators types
elitism_type – type of elitism operator evolution
regularization_type – type of regularization operator
Regularization attempts to cut off the subtrees of the graph. If the truncated graph is not worse than the original, then it enters the new generation as a simpler solution. Regularization is not used by default, it must be explicitly enabled.
- Parameters
genetic_scheme_type – type of genetic evolutionary scheme
The generational scheme is a standard scheme of the evolutionary algorithm. It specifies that at each iteration the entire generation is updated.
In the steady_state scheme at each iteration only one individual is updated.
The parameter_free scheme is an adaptive variation of the steady_state scheme. It specifies that the population size and the probability of mutation and crossover change depending on the success of convergence. If there are no improvements in fitness, then the size and the probabilities increase. When fitness improves, the size and the probabilities decrease. That is, the algorithm choose a more stable and conservative mode when optimization seems to converge.
- Parameters
decaying_factor – decaying factor for Multi-Armed Bandits for managing the profit from operators The smaller the value of decaying_factor, the larger the influence for the best operator.
window_size – the size of sliding window for Multi-Armed Bandits to decrease variance. The window size is measured by the number of individuals to consider.
- crossover_prob: float = 0.8
- mutation_prob: float = 0.8
- variable_mutation_num: bool = True
- max_num_of_operator_attempts: int = 100
- mutation_strength: golem.core.optimisers.genetic.operators.base_mutations.MutationStrengthEnum = 1.0
- min_pop_size_with_elitism: int = 5
- required_valid_ratio: float = 0.9
- adaptive_mutation_type: golem.core.optimisers.adaptive.operator_agent.MutationAgentTypeEnum = 'default'
- context_agent_type: Union[golem.core.optimisers.adaptive.context_agents.ContextAgentTypeEnum, Callable] = 'nodes_num'
- selection_types: Optional[Sequence[Union[golem.core.optimisers.genetic.operators.selection.SelectionTypesEnum, Any]]] = None
- crossover_types: Sequence[Union[golem.core.optimisers.genetic.operators.crossover.CrossoverTypesEnum, Any]] = (<CrossoverTypesEnum.one_point: 'one_point'>,)
- mutation_types: Sequence[Union[golem.core.optimisers.genetic.operators.base_mutations.MutationTypesEnum, Any]] = (<MutationTypesEnum.tree_growth: 'tree_growth'>, <MutationTypesEnum.single_add: 'single_add'>, <MutationTypesEnum.single_change: 'single_change'>, <MutationTypesEnum.single_drop: 'single_drop'>, <MutationTypesEnum.single_edge: 'single_edge'>)
- elitism_type: golem.core.optimisers.genetic.operators.elitism.ElitismTypesEnum = 'keep_n_best'
- regularization_type: golem.core.optimisers.genetic.operators.regularization.RegularizationTypesEnum = 'none'
- genetic_scheme_type: golem.core.optimisers.genetic.operators.inheritance.GeneticSchemeTypesEnum = 'generational'
- decaying_factor: float = 1.0
- window_size: Optional[int] = None
- class golem.core.optimisers.optimization_parameters.OptimizationParameters(num_of_generations: Optional[int] = None, timeout: Optional[datetime.timedelta] = datetime.timedelta(seconds=300), early_stopping_iterations: Optional[int] = 50, early_stopping_timeout: Optional[float] = 5, keep_n_best: int = 1, max_graph_fit_time: Optional[datetime.timedelta] = None, n_jobs: int = 1, show_progress: bool = True, collect_intermediate_metric: bool = False, parallelization_mode: str = 'populational', static_individual_metadata: dict = <factory>, keep_history: bool = True, history_dir: Optional[str] = <factory>, agent_dir: Optional[str] = <factory>)[source]
Defines general algorithm-independent parameters of the composition process (like stop condition, validation, timeout, logging etc.)
Options related to stop condition:
- Parameters
num_of_generations – maximum number of optimizer generations
timeout – max time in minutes available for composition process
early_stopping_iterations –
for early stopping.
Optional max number of stagnating iterations for early stopping. If both early_stopping options are None, then do not use early stopping.
early_stopping_timeout –
for early stopping.
Optional duration (in minutes) of stagnating optimization for early stopping. If both early_stopping options are None, then do not use early stopping.
Infrastructure options (logging, performance)
- Parameters
keep_n_best – number of the best individuals of previous generation to keep in next generation
max_graph_fit_time – time constraint for evaluation of each graph (datetime.timedelta)
n_jobs – num of n_jobs
show_progress – bool indicating whether to show progress using tqdm or not
collect_intermediate_metric – save metrics for intermediate (non-root) nodes in graph
parallelization_mode – identifies the way to parallelize population evaluation
History options:
- Parameters
keep_history – if True, then save generations to history; if False, don’t keep history.
history_dir –
directory for saving optimization history, optional.
If the path is relative, then save relative to default_data_dir. If absolute – then save directly by specified path. If None – do not save the history to disk and keep it only in-memory.
- num_of_generations: Optional[int] = None
- timeout: Optional[datetime.timedelta] = datetime.timedelta(seconds=300)
- early_stopping_iterations: Optional[int] = 50
- early_stopping_timeout: Optional[float] = 5
- keep_n_best: int = 1
- max_graph_fit_time: Optional[datetime.timedelta] = None
- n_jobs: int = 1
- show_progress: bool = True
- collect_intermediate_metric: bool = False
- parallelization_mode: str = 'populational'
- static_individual_metadata: dict
- keep_history: bool = True
- history_dir: Optional[str]
- agent_dir: Optional[str]
- class golem.core.optimisers.optimization_parameters.GraphRequirements(num_of_generations: Optional[int] = None, timeout: Optional[datetime.timedelta] = datetime.timedelta(seconds=300), early_stopping_iterations: Optional[int] = 50, early_stopping_timeout: Optional[float] = 5, keep_n_best: int = 1, max_graph_fit_time: Optional[datetime.timedelta] = None, n_jobs: int = 1, show_progress: bool = True, collect_intermediate_metric: bool = False, parallelization_mode: str = 'populational', static_individual_metadata: dict = <factory>, keep_history: bool = True, history_dir: Optional[str] = <factory>, agent_dir: Optional[str] = <factory>, start_depth: int = 3, max_depth: int = 10, min_arity: int = 2, max_arity: int = 4)[source]
Defines restrictions and requirements on final graphs.
Restrictions on final graphs:
- Parameters
start_depth – start value of adaptive tree depth
max_depth – max depth of the resulting graph
min_arity – min number of parents for node
max_arity – max number of parents for node
- start_depth: int = 3
- max_depth: int = 10
- min_arity: int = 2
- max_arity: int = 4
- class golem.core.optimisers.optimizer.GraphGenerationParams(adapter: Optional[golem.core.adapter.adapter.BaseOptimizationAdapter] = None, rules_for_constraint: Sequence[Callable[[...], bool]] = (<function has_root>, <function has_no_cycle>, <function has_no_isolated_components>, <function has_no_self_cycled_nodes>, <function has_no_isolated_nodes>), advisor: Optional[golem.core.optimisers.advisor.DefaultChangeAdvisor] = None, node_factory: Optional[golem.core.optimisers.opt_node_factory.OptNodeFactory] = None, random_graph_factory: Optional[Callable[[golem.core.optimisers.optimization_parameters.GraphRequirements, int], golem.core.dag.graph.Graph]] = None, available_node_types: Optional[Sequence[Any]] = None, remote_evaluator: Optional[golem.core.optimisers.genetic.evaluation.DelegateEvaluator] = None)[source]
This dataclass is for defining the parameters using in graph generation process
- Parameters
adapter – instance of domain graph adapter for adaptation between domain and optimization graphs
rules_for_constraint – collection of constraints for graph verification
advisor – instance providing task and context-specific advices for graph changes
node_factory – instance for generating new nodes in the process of graph search
remote_evaluator – instance of delegate evaluator for evaluation of graphs
- verifier: golem.core.dag.graph_verifier.GraphVerifier
- advisor: golem.core.optimisers.advisor.DefaultChangeAdvisor
- remote_evaluator: Optional[golem.core.optimisers.genetic.evaluation.DelegateEvaluator] = None
- node_factory: golem.core.optimisers.opt_node_factory.OptNodeFactory
- random_graph_factory: Callable[[golem.core.optimisers.optimization_parameters.GraphRequirements, int], golem.core.dag.graph.Graph]