- class golem.core.dag.graph.Graph[source]
Defines abstract graph interface that’s required by graph optimisation process.
- abstract add_node(node: golem.core.dag.graph_node.GraphNode)[source]
Adds new node to the graph together with its parent nodes.
- Parameters
node – graph nodes
- abstract update_node(old_node: golem.core.dag.graph_node.GraphNode, new_node: golem.core.dag.graph_node.GraphNode)[source]
node withnew_node
- Parameters
old_node – node to be replaced
new_node – node to be placed instead
- abstract update_subtree(old_subtree: golem.core.dag.graph_node.GraphNode, new_subtree: golem.core.dag.graph_node.GraphNode)[source]
subtree tonew_subtree
- Parameters
old_subtree – node and its subtree to be removed
new_subtree – node and its subtree to be placed instead
- abstract delete_node(node: golem.core.dag.graph_node.GraphNode, reconnect: golem.core.dag.graph.ReconnectType = ReconnectType.single)[source]
from the graph. Ifnode
has only one child, then connects all of thenode
parents to it.- Parameters
node – node of the graph to be deleted
reconnect – defines how to treat left edges between parents and children
- abstract delete_subtree(subtree: golem.core.dag.graph_node.GraphNode)[source]
Deletes given node with all its parents. Deletes all edges from removed nodes to remaining graph nodes
- Parameters
subtree – node to be deleted with all of its parents and their connections amongst the remaining graph nodes
- abstract node_children(node: golem.core.dag.graph_node.GraphNode) Sequence[Optional[golem.core.dag.graph_node.GraphNode]] [source]
Returns all children of the
- Parameters
node – for getting children from
Returns: children of the
- abstract connect_nodes(node_parent: golem.core.dag.graph_node.GraphNode, node_child: golem.core.dag.graph_node.GraphNode)[source]
Adds edge between
- Parameters
node_parent – acts like parent in graph connection relations
node_child – acts like child in graph connection relations
- abstract disconnect_nodes(node_parent: golem.core.dag.graph_node.GraphNode, node_child: golem.core.dag.graph_node.GraphNode, clean_up_leftovers: bool = False)[source]
Removes an edge between two nodes
- Parameters
node_parent – where the removing edge comes out
node_child – where the removing edge enters
clean_up_leftovers – whether to remove the remaining invalid vertices with edges or not
- abstract get_edges() Sequence[Tuple[golem.core.dag.graph_node.GraphNode, golem.core.dag.graph_node.GraphNode]] [source]
Gets all available edges in this graph
- Returns
pairs of parent_node -> child_node
- get_nodes_by_name(name: str) List[golem.core.dag.graph_node.GraphNode] [source]
Returns list of nodes with the required
- Parameters
name – name to filter by
- Returns
relevant nodes (empty if there are no such nodes)
- Return type
- get_node_by_uid(uid: str) Optional[golem.core.dag.graph_node.GraphNode] [source]
Returns node with the required
- Parameters
uid – uid of node to filter by
- Returns
relevant node (None if there is no such node)
- Return type
- abstract __eq__(other_graph: golem.core.dag.graph.Graph) bool [source]
Compares this graph with the
- Parameters
other_graph – another graph
- Returns
is it equal to
in terms of the graphs
- property root_node: Union[golem.core.dag.graph_node.GraphNode, Sequence[golem.core.dag.graph_node.GraphNode]]
Gets the final layer node(s) of the graph
- Returns
the final layer node(s)
- abstract property nodes: List[golem.core.dag.graph_node.GraphNode]
Return list of all graph nodes
- Returns
graph nodes
- abstract property depth: int
Gets this graph depth from its sink-node to its source-node
- Returns
length of a path from the root node to the farthest primary node
- property length: int
Return size of the graph (number of nodes)
- Returns
graph size
- show(save_path: Optional[Union[os.PathLike, str]] = None, engine: Optional[str] = None, node_color: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[float], Dict[str, Union[str, Sequence[float]]], Callable[[Iterable[str]], Dict[str, Union[str, Sequence[float]]]]]] = None, dpi: Optional[int] = None, node_size_scale: Optional[float] = None, font_size_scale: Optional[float] = None, edge_curvature_scale: Optional[float] = None, title: Optional[str] = None, node_names_placement: Optional[Literal['auto', 'nodes', 'legend', 'none']] = None, nodes_labels: Optional[Dict[int, str]] = None, edges_labels: Optional[Dict[int, str]] = None, nodes_layout_function: Optional[Callable[[networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph], Dict[Any, Tuple[float, float]]]] = None)[source]
Visualizes graph or saves its picture to the specified
- Parameters
save_path – optional, save location of the graph visualization image.
engine – engine to visualize the graph. Possible values: ‘matplotlib’, ‘pyvis’, ‘graphviz’.
node_color – color of nodes to use.
node_size_scale – use to make node size bigger or lesser. Supported only for the engine ‘matplotlib’.
font_size_scale – use to make font size bigger or lesser. Supported only for the engine ‘matplotlib’.
edge_curvature_scale – use to make edges more or less curved. Supported only for the engine ‘matplotlib’.
dpi – DPI of the output image. Not supported for the engine ‘pyvis’.
title – title for plot
node_names_placement –
variant of node names displaying. Defaults to
.Possible options:
-> empirical rule by node sizenodes
-> place node names on top of the nodeslegend
-> place node names at the legendnone
-> do not show node names
nodes_labels – labels to display near nodes
edges_labels – labels to display near edges
nodes_layout_function – any of Networkx layout functions .
- property graph_description: Dict
Return summary characteristics of the graph
- Returns
containing information about the graph
- Return type
- property descriptive_id: str
Returns human-readable identifier of the graph.
- Returns
text description of the content in the node and its parameters
- Return type
- class golem.core.dag.graph_node.GraphNode[source]
Definition of the node in directed graph structure.
Provides interface for getting and modifying the parent nodes and recursive description based on all preceding nodes.
- abstract property nodes_from: List[golem.core.dag.graph_node.GraphNode]
Gets all parent nodes of this graph node
- Returns
all the parent nodes
- Return type
- abstract property name: str
Str name of this graph node
- abstract __str__() str [source]
Returns short node type description
- Returns
text graph node representation
- Return type
- __repr__() str [source]
Returns full node description
- Returns
text graph node representation
- Return type
- description() str [source]
Returns full node description for use in recursive id.
- Returns
text graph node representation
- Return type
- property descriptive_id: str
Returns structural identifier of the subgraph starting at this node
- Returns
text description of the content in the node and its parameters
- Return type