import dataclasses
import datetime
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from numbers import Number
from typing import Optional
from golem.core.paths import default_data_dir
from golem.utilities.utilities import determine_n_jobs
class OptimizationParameters:
"""Defines general algorithm-independent parameters of the composition process
(like stop condition, validation, timeout, logging etc.)
Options related to stop condition:
:param num_of_generations: maximum number of optimizer generations
:param timeout: max time in minutes available for composition process
:param early_stopping_iterations: for early stopping.
Optional max number of stagnating
iterations for early stopping. If both early_stopping options are None,
then do not use early stopping.
:param early_stopping_timeout: for early stopping.
Optional duration (in minutes) of stagnating
optimization for early stopping. If both early_stopping options are None,
then do not use early stopping.
Infrastructure options (logging, performance)
:param keep_n_best: number of the best individuals of previous generation to keep in next generation
:param max_graph_fit_time: time constraint for evaluation of each graph (datetime.timedelta)
:param n_jobs: num of n_jobs
:param show_progress: bool indicating whether to show progress using tqdm or not
:param collect_intermediate_metric: save metrics for intermediate (non-root) nodes in graph
:param parallelization_mode: identifies the way to parallelize population evaluation
History options:
:param keep_history: if True, then save generations to history; if False, don't keep history.
:param history_dir: directory for saving optimization history, optional.
If the path is relative, then save relative to `default_data_dir`.
If absolute -- then save directly by specified path.
If None -- do not save the history to disk and keep it only in-memory.
num_of_generations: Optional[int] = None
timeout: Optional[datetime.timedelta] = datetime.timedelta(minutes=5)
early_stopping_iterations: Optional[int] = 50
early_stopping_timeout: Optional[float] = 5
keep_n_best: int = 1
max_graph_fit_time: Optional[datetime.timedelta] = None
n_jobs: int = 1
show_progress: bool = True
collect_intermediate_metric: bool = False
parallelization_mode: str = 'populational'
static_individual_metadata: dict = field(default_factory=lambda: {
'use_input_preprocessing': True
keep_history: bool = True
history_dir: Optional[str] = field(default_factory=default_data_dir)
agent_dir: Optional[str] = field(default_factory=default_data_dir)
class GraphRequirements(OptimizationParameters):
"""Defines restrictions and requirements on final graphs.
Restrictions on final graphs:
:param start_depth: start value of adaptive tree depth
:param max_depth: max depth of the resulting graph
:param min_arity: min number of parents for node
:param max_arity: max number of parents for node
start_depth: int = 3
max_depth: int = 10
min_arity: int = 2
max_arity: int = 4
def __post_init__(self):
# check and convert n_jobs to non-negative
self.n_jobs = determine_n_jobs(self.n_jobs)
for field_name, field_value in dataclasses.asdict(self).items():
if isinstance(field_value, Number) and field_value < 0:
raise ValueError(f'Value of {field_name} must be non-negative')