Tuning of graph parameters
All tuners work with internal graph representation (also called optimization graph, see Adaptation of Graphs).
To optimise custom domain graph pass adapter
. If your graph class is inherited from OptGraph
no adapter is needed.
Tuners optimise parameters stored in OptNode.parameters
Multi-objective optimisation is supported only by OptunaTuner
To specify parameters search space use SearchSpace
Initialize SearchSpace
with dictionary of the form
{'operation_name': {'param_name': { 'hyperopt-dist': <hyperopt distribution function>,
'sampling-scope': [sampling scope], 'type': <type of parameter>}, ...}, ...}
Three types of parameters are available: continuous, discrete and categorical.
import numpy as np
from hyperopt import hp
from golem.core.tuning.search_space import SearchSpace
params_per_operation = {
'operation_name_1': {
'parameter_name_1': {
'hyperopt-dist': hp.uniformint,
'sampling-scope': [2, 21],
'type': 'discrete'},
'parameter_name_2': {
'hyperopt-dist': hp.loguniform,
'sampling-scope': [1e-3, 1],
'type': 'continuous'}
'operation_name_2': {
'parameter_name_1': {
'hyperopt-dist': hp.choice,
'sampling-scope': [["first", "second", "third"]],
'type': 'categorical'},
'hyperopt-dist': hp.uniform,
'sampling-scope': [0.05, 1.0],
'type': 'continuous'}
search_space = SearchSpace(params_per_operation)
You can tune all parameters of graph nodes simultaneously using SimultaneousTuner
, OptunaTuner
or IOptTuner
implements deterministic algorithm.
is implemented using IOpt library. See the documentation (in Russian) to learn more about
the optimisation algorithm.
- class golem.core.tuning.simultaneous.SimultaneousTuner(objective_evaluate: golem.core.optimisers.objective.objective.GraphFunction[golem.core.optimisers.objective.objective.G, golem.core.optimisers.fitness.fitness.Fitness], search_space: golem.core.tuning.search_space.SearchSpace, adapter: Optional[golem.core.adapter.adapter.BaseOptimizationAdapter] = None, iterations: int = 100, early_stopping_rounds: Optional[int] = None, timeout: datetime.timedelta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=300), n_jobs: int = -1, deviation: float = 0.05, algo: Callable = <function suggest>, **kwargs)[source]
]Class for hyperparameters optimization for all nodes simultaneously
- _tune(graph: golem.core.tuning.tuner_interface.DomainGraphForTune, show_progress: bool = True) golem.core.tuning.tuner_interface.DomainGraphForTune [source]
Function for hyperparameters tuning on the entire graph
- Parameters
graph – graph which hyperparameters will be tuned
show_progress – shows progress of tuning if True
- Returns
Graph with tuned hyperparameters
- _get_parameters_for_tune(graph: golem.core.dag.graph_delegate.GraphDelegate) Tuple[dict, dict] [source]
Method for defining the search space
- Parameters
graph – graph to be tuned
- Returns
dict with operation names and parameters initial_parameters: dict with initial parameters of the graph
- Return type
- _objective(parameters_dict: dict, graph: golem.core.dag.graph_delegate.GraphDelegate, unchangeable_parameters: Optional[dict] = None) float [source]
Objective function for minimization problem
- Parameters
parameters_dict – dict which contains new graph hyperparameters
graph – graph to optimize
unchangeable_parameters – dict with parameters that should not be changed
- Returns
value of objective function
- Return type
- class golem.core.tuning.iopt_tuner.IOptTuner(objective_evaluate: golem.core.optimisers.objective.objective_eval.ObjectiveEvaluate, search_space: golem.core.tuning.search_space.SearchSpace, adapter: Optional[golem.core.adapter.adapter.BaseOptimizationAdapter] = None, iterations: int = 100, timeout: datetime.timedelta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=300), n_jobs: int = - 1, eps: float = 0.001, r: float = 2.0, evolvent_density: int = 10, eps_r: float = 0.001, refine_solution: bool = False, deviation: float = 0.05, **kwargs)[source]
]Base class for hyperparameters optimization based on hyperopt library
- Parameters
objective_evaluate – objective to optimize
adapter – the function for processing of external object that should be optimized
iterations – max number of iterations
search_space – SearchSpace instance
n_jobs – num of
for parallelization (-1
for use all cpu’s)eps – The accuracy of the solution of the problem. Less value - higher search accuracy, less likely to stop prematurely.
r – Reliability parameter. Higher r is slower convergence, higher probability of finding a global minimum.
evolvent_density – Density of the evolvent. By default \(2^{-10}\) on hypercube \([0,1]^N\), which means, that the maximum search accuracy is \(2^{-10}\).
eps_r – Parameter that affects the speed of solving the task. epsR = 0 - slow convergence to the exact solution, epsR>0 - quick converge to the neighborhood of the solution.
refine_solution – if true, then the solution will be refined with local search.
deviation – required improvement (in percent) of a metric to return tuned graph. By default,
, which means that tuned graph will be returned if it’s metric will be at least 0.05% better than the initial.
- _get_parameters_for_tune(graph: golem.core.dag.graph_delegate.GraphDelegate) Tuple[golem.core.tuning.iopt_tuner.IOptProblemParameters, dict] [source]
Method for defining the search space
- Parameters
graph – graph to be tuned
- Returns
dict with operation names and parameters initial_parameters: dict with initial parameters of the graph
- Return type
- class golem.core.tuning.optuna_tuner.OptunaTuner(objective_evaluate: golem.core.optimisers.objective.objective.GraphFunction[golem.core.optimisers.objective.objective.G, golem.core.optimisers.fitness.fitness.Fitness], search_space: golem.core.tuning.search_space.SearchSpace, adapter: Optional[golem.core.adapter.adapter.BaseOptimizationAdapter] = None, iterations: int = 100, early_stopping_rounds: Optional[int] = None, timeout: datetime.timedelta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=300), n_jobs: int = - 1, deviation: float = 0.05, **kwargs)[source]
allows you to tune graph parameters sequentially node by node.
- class golem.core.tuning.sequential.SequentialTuner(objective_evaluate: golem.core.optimisers.objective.objective.GraphFunction[golem.core.optimisers.objective.objective.G, golem.core.optimisers.fitness.fitness.Fitness], search_space: golem.core.tuning.search_space.SearchSpace, adapter: Optional[golem.core.adapter.adapter.BaseOptimizationAdapter] = None, iterations: int = 100, early_stopping_rounds: Optional[int] = None, timeout: datetime.timedelta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=300), n_jobs: int = -1, deviation: float = 0.05, algo: Callable = <function suggest>, inverse_node_order: bool = False, **kwargs)[source]
]Class for hyperparameters optimization for all nodes sequentially
- _tune(graph: golem.core.tuning.tuner_interface.DomainGraphForTune, **kwargs) golem.core.tuning.tuner_interface.DomainGraphForTune [source]
Method for hyperparameters tuning on the entire graph
- Parameters
graph – graph which hyperparameters will be tuned
- get_nodes_order(nodes_number: int) range [source]
Method returns list with indices of nodes in the graph
- Parameters
nodes_number – number of nodes to get
- tune_node(graph: golem.core.tuning.tuner_interface.DomainGraphForTune, node_index: int) golem.core.tuning.tuner_interface.DomainGraphForTune [source]
Method for hyperparameters tuning for particular node
- Parameters
graph – graph which contains a node to be tuned
node_index – Index of the node to tune
- Returns
Graph with tuned parameters in node with specified index
- _optimize_node(graph: golem.core.dag.graph_delegate.GraphDelegate, node_id: int, node_params: dict, init_params: dict, iterations_per_node: int, seconds_per_node: float) golem.core.dag.graph_delegate.GraphDelegate [source]
Method for node optimization
- Parameters
graph – Graph which node is optimized
node_id – id of the current node in the graph
node_params – dictionary with parameters for node
iterations_per_node – amount of iterations to produce
seconds_per_node – amount of seconds to produce
- Returns
updated graph with tuned parameters in particular node
- _objective(node_params: dict, graph: golem.core.dag.graph_delegate.GraphDelegate, node_id: int, unchangeable_parameters: Optional[dict] = None) float [source]
Objective function for minimization problem
- Parameters
node_params – dictionary with parameters for node
graph – graph to evaluate
node_id – id of the node to which parameters should be assigned
- Returns
value of objective function