GOLEM Framework quick start guide
Installation from GitHub
git clone https://github.com/aimclub/GOLEM.gitcd GOLEMpip install -r requirements.txtpytest -s test/
How to install with pip
pip install https://github.com/aimclub/GOLEM/archive/main.zip
Task definition
The core notions of the framework are Graph, Optimizer, Objective and Fitness. GOLEM runs the optimizer, which searches for the graphs that have better fitness by the given objective.
The usual workflow for solving the task with GOLEM includes these steps:
Define the available nodes from which the graph will be built.
Import the optimizer and define the settings for it.
Define the objective, that is a function which for a given graph computes fitness score.
Run the optimizer with given objective and get the best graphs.
For a code example you can look into the simple example.
Adapter for domain structures
Commonly your domain task works with specific structures. These can be some special graph models, 3D models, etc. Before running GOLEM for such tasks you need to define the graph adapter that will transform your domain graphs to universal graph representation, that GOLEM uses internally.
For this you either need to subclass the golem.core.adapter.adapter.BaseOptimizationAdapter
or use one of the existing adapters. Currently there’s one non-trivial adapter for NetworkX directed graphs. You can read more about it in this document.
You can also find example using this adapter in this example on synthetic graph search.